Apr 25, 2022
Amy Nordhues is a writer, author, speaker, and married mother of three. She is also a survivor of both sexual abuse as a child and as an adult at the hands of a mental health professional. Her recently released memoir has already earned an award as well as rave reviews.
Amy shares how she fell prey to a predatory...
Apr 21, 2022
Alex Hatch is also known as The Curly Haired CEO, who empowers single women to create income and realize what is best for their body and their health by embracing and supporting their inner strength and beauty.
Alex shares her own personal story and struggles with body image, weight loss, and eating disorders until she...
Apr 18, 2022
Melinda Kunst is an author, speaker, domestic abuse advocate, hope dealer, and hula hooping momma. She is also the host of the Hope When There Is None podcast. Melinda is passionate about helping women find self-empowerment, self-respect, and self-love.
Melinda shares her personal story of breaking free from...
Apr 11, 2022
Amanda Acker is a transformational coach, speaker, podcast host, and formerly incarcerated person. Amanda was riddled with shame, confusion, insecurity, inadequacy, and feeling unloved and unworthy when her mother walked away from her family home when Amanda was 15.
A series of poor choices led her on a path of drug...
Apr 4, 2022
Katie Gilbertson is a licensed mental health professional, founder and owner of Rainy Day Therapy, women’s advocate, host of the Shame Rebel Podcast, and proud dog mom.
Through Katie’s own journey of self-awareness and discovery, she realized how much shame she was carrying and how it was impacting her life, her...