Feb 22, 2021
Dina Marie is an entrepreneur who have owned several successful businesses. She is also the author of the book “My Fat Pants Don’t Fit: A Mostly True Story of Divorce, Weight Loss, and Finding Self-Love.” Dina shares her personal struggle with weight gain, emotional eating, self-doubt and self-loathing.
Feb 15, 2021
Sensei Ando Mierzwa is a coach,
tutor, teacher, and martial artist extraordinaire. He is also the
owner and director of Happy Life Martial Arts. After discovering
martial arts as a teenager, Ando realized that martial arts were
the key to finding a happy, healthy, balanced life, and well worth
fighting for.
Feb 8, 2021
What is the truth about CBD? Alberto Bercich is the founder and owner of B&B Botanicals, a company that specializes in high quality, organic CBD products. Alberto has spent years of research and holistic studying, learning, experimenting, and testing to create a natural product line which helps nourish the body...
Feb 1, 2021
Author, speaker, and expert on near death experiences Lynn K. Russell returns to The FemiNinja Project to share what she has discovered about near death experiences based on her extensive research of NDEs.
Lynn explains how her life’s path has led her to be fascinated with the world and the Oneness of the Universe....