Jun 29, 2020
Andrea Spoor is a Certified Professional Coach, author, and self-proclaimed bully buster. Her passion is empowering teen aged girls to access their inner Diva to live a life of confidence, compassion, and self-love. She explains that while the word Diva gets a bad rap, means Goddess, and should be embraced as a source...
Jun 22, 2020
Rhyan Diller is a realtor,
entrepreneur, and a blue belt in Brazilian Jujutsu. She shares her
remarkable story about how BJJ changed her life and led her to
pursue a healthier and more active lifestyle. She also describes
how BJJ gave her the strength, courage, and confidence to leave a
job which was not in alignment...
Jun 15, 2020
Shari Petersen is a counselor, author, and a survivor. On February 24, 1989, Shari was a passenger on the ill-fated United Flight 811 from Honolulu to Auckland. Traveling four miles above the Pacific Ocean, the jumbo jet’s cargo door was ripped from its hinges, creating an enormous breach in the right side of...
Jun 8, 2020
Marisa Jones is a successful IT professional, author, writer, mental health advocate, and former bully. She shares her story about how an abusive alcoholic parent left her with a victim mentality and a desire to react to the world in the only way she knew how—with violence.
Marisa describes a childhood filled with...
Jun 1, 2020
Meet Brooke Chesnut, keynote
speaker, business consultant, mentor and worldwide mountaineer.
After spending 38 years working in corporate America, he now helps
to bridge the generation gap in the workforce from the greatest to
the latest. Brooke has hired, trained, mentored, and inspired four
generations of...