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Hello, and welcome to The FemiNinja Project, a show dedicated to restoring human dignity one person at a time and helping YOU unleash your personal power! 

Jul 30, 2024

Suzanne Robotti is an FDA Consumer Representative, Drug Side Effects Expert, DES Daughter, and founder of MedShadow Foundation, a nonprofit organization which encourages people to think for themselves, not to believe everything you read online, do your own diligent research, and balance the benefits with the risks...

Jul 23, 2024

Vin Infante is a therapist, mentor, coach, speaker, Licensed Psychotherapist and former FDNY firefighter who suffered with crippling anxiety, panic attacks, and deep suicidal depression. 

He was living in a dark state of victimhood until he finally saw the light, leading him to create mental shifts and identifying...

Jul 16, 2024

Dr. Keith McNally is an educator, trainer, coach, creator, speaker, author, and organizer of the campaign and fundraiser called “Trail to Transformation: Hiking for Hope and Healing,” which is his way to make a big impact by engaging in a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail to help people who are, or have been,...

Jul 9, 2024

Jason Perry is a former Navy Seal, Swat Officer, Executive Protection Specialist, Corporate Security Expert, podcast host, farmer, dad of 3 children under 5 years old, and pastor who specializes in blending Faith and Preparedness in Safety Training. 

He is the founder of Trident Shield, an emergency...

Jul 2, 2024

Chris Roy is a lifestyle coach and personal trainer specializing in mindset, fitness, and nutrition. He is also a CrossFit L-1 trainer, father, and heart attack survivor who had been living a life of gluttony, substance abuse, and caffeine addiction. 

Chris got a wake-up call in May of 2019 when he had a heart...